It was a real pleasure for our team to visit DRUPA Exhibition 2024 in Dusseldorf. It was a great opportunity for us to meet our potential partners and to explore new ideas and products.
At the very beginning of the year 2024 company Mag 97 hеld a meeting with its long-standing business partner in Spain.
Още в началото на новата 2024 година фирма Маг 97 проведе среща със свой дългогодишен партньор в Испания.
In October our company Mag 97 Ltd visited Evrasia Packaging Fair In Istanbul. It was a pleasure for us meeting our colleagues and partners of long-standing. We managed to create new business contacts and to lay the foundations of our future partnerships. Thank you very much for the warm welcome, hospitality and the high professionalism!
In May, our company visited the Bulgarian Embassy in Bucharest. There we had the pleasure of meeting the ambassador of Bulgaria – Mr. Radko Vlaikov and our consul there – Mr. Ivaylo Marinov. In the person of Mr. Marinov, the company MAG 97 LTD met full assistance and support in making contacts with potential customers, […]
The sales team of Mag 97 Ltd. visited its long-standing partner in Gorla Minore, Italy – EVO Elettrochimica. The factory was founded way back in 1927 by the engineer Giovanni Fazoli. At first it produced sulfuric acid and caustic soda, and later after the war it specialized in the trade of chemical materials. After 1968, […]
In September, a work meeting was held at the office of Polo company in Vienna, who are our long-term partner. The purpose of our visit was to discuss the state of the market in the conditions of the energy crisis and how we can further develop and upgrade our mutual business projects. Special thanks to […]